The first quarter

Bicton Baths

It is true what they say. Time does speed up the older you get. It is hard to believe that we are a quarter of the way through the year. It feels like yesterday I was taking down the Christmas tree.

We have been enjoying slow days over the summer, soaking up the sunshine, swimming and connecting with nature.

And just like that, the summer holidays are over and the children are back at school. To be honest it has been a struggle for my little one. Gone are the barefoot days at the Community Kindergarten. Now it is a school with uniforms, school bells and a lot more structure. It has taken almost a term for him to settle in but finally, I feel like we are making progress.

It is not only Master B who has had a major change to their daily routine. I am back in the workforce. Mornings are hectic with school drop off and driving in traffic to the office. I am learning new computer systems and tapping away at the keyboard. It feels good to be working again and I appreciate my days off!

My water polo team made it to the grand final. Unfortunately, we lost by one goal but it was a great game. Can’t complain about coming home with a silver medal!


By the way, no one looks attractive in a water polo cap but I am doing my best to rock it!

I have been sticking to my new year’s resolutions, keeping fit and I even managed to shed a few kilos! This is how I have done it.

Body By Finch

Sick of searching Youtube for workouts I decided to sign up to Body by Finch. I only really signed up for the workouts but I got so much more out of the program.

Rachel Finch has designed an online program which includes fitness, a wholesome way of eating, and a holistic approach to everything health related.

I was a bit sceptical about the food before joining. I thought I would continue eating my normal way as I am sure a supermodel lives on celery! Boy was I wrong!!!

Cooking is not my forte but the meals were quick, easy and I even managed to not destroy every dish!! I have always had issues with my gut, lots of bloating, cramps and wind. The only time I have had pains in my belly is when I didn’t stick to the food on the program.


In six weeks I have lost 3.6 kgs and people have told me I look healthier. The challenge has been wonderful and a great way to kickstart the year!

If you want to know more about Body By Finch click here.

Busselton Jetty Swim

It is the second year I have competed in the Busselton Jetty Swim and I was still as nervous as ever. Why do I do this to myself? Of course, I know the reason,  I need the motivation to keep fit. The self-talk doesn’t stop my stomach tying itself up in knots. I want to pull out of the race but I never allow that.

Start of Busselton Jetty Swim

Standing on the sand watching the first wave of swimmers go I pick my line and tell myself to just swim my own race. My feet are in the water and it is almost time for my wave, the gun fires and I start swimming. My friends go out hard, I go at my own pace, trying to dodge the arms and legs that are flung in my direction. Often sandwiched between swimmers, it is frustrating. I want my own space. I just concentrate on my breathing and swim my own race.

Busselton Jetty Swim 2019

Busselton Jetty Swimmers 2019

I feel really strong coming around the end of the jetty and know that I am half way there. The water is relatively calm which is a bonus, even with good visability I don’t see any sea life. About 200 meters from the shore I feel strong so I decide to pick up the pace and power home. I always find it hard to know what pace I should stick at as I don’t want to tire early. The water is getting shallow and I can run over the finish line taking 6 minutes off last year time. I couldn’t be happier.

Busselton Jetty Finish Line

What will the second quarter bring? We have lots of camping trips planned so stay tuned! I hope you are having an awesome start to the year too!

If you want to keep up with what is happening on Let Me Be Free you can follow on Instagram here and Facebook here.

8 thoughts on “The first quarter

  1. Wow, it’s great to see how active you are and I must admit you really do rock that water polo cap!! Great to read about your health kick and I wish you well, slow and steady is always my mantra in regards to weight loss. #lifethisweek


  2. Great to see the first quarter has been a good one. Eating healthy doesn’t have to be torturous. When I did Michelle Bridges, I loved that I could eat everything in moderation and there were times I didn’t even crave unhealthy food because the meals were great. Hope the next quarter is a good one too!


  3. What a fantastic catch up! Well-done on all you are doing yourself but even moreso that you are finding all helping you too. School does tend to put a family into a routine – like it or not.

    Thank you for linking up for #lifethisweek. Next week’s optional prompt is Share Your Snaps. 15/51. Hope to see you there! Denyse.


  4. Well done on the health/fitness regime!! You must be thrilled with the results. Of course you’ve always been very fit but the added benefit of gut health is fantastic. Hope you’re enjoying the job and that Mr B enjoys Term 2. Can’t believe he’s at school to be honest! xxx


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