Camping Products for Babies and Toddlers

Camping Products for Babies & Toddlers

We have camped with our children since they were infants. I must admit I was nervous when we strapped our little bundle of joy into the car and headed down a rough dirt track into the Aussie bush. We camped in a remote location with no amenities just plenty of fresh country air and tall trees to give us shade.

The camping trip was a success but there were times when it was challenging. Anyone with an infant knows that you are up several times during the night giving them a feed. This can be hard enough in your own home let alone in a tent with other people and not having the creature comforts of home.

As long as you are organised camping with babies and toddlers can be very rewarding. With a bit of trial and error, I found my groove and also discovered products that made life so much easier.

Let me share with you the products that I love and what has made me and my babies happy campers!


babybjorn_portacotYou want your baby to be safe and secure while they sleep. I had a cheap portacot that did not stand up to the test of time. BabyBjorn have a Travel Cot which is easy to set up, lightweight plus it was awarded the best travel cot in 2015. If I have another child this portacot would be my pick.

Padded Fitted Sheet for Portacot

The Sleepovers padded fitted sheet fits completely over the base of the portacot and is anchored to the bottom.  Over the years I have always used portacots and my children have not slept well. Let’s face it they are like sleeping on a plank of wood! That was until I discovered The Sleepovers padded fitted sheet.  Having the additional padding on the mattress means that my baby has a better nights sleep plus I can rest easy knowing that it is approved by the INPAA (Infant Nursery Products Accreditation and Approval).


Baby Sleeping Bag

Grobags are perfect for keeping your baby warm at night. With a portacot you are unable to tuck blankets under the base of the cot so I was forever worried they would come uncovered during the night. Let’s face it some times when you are camping it can get a little cold at night! The sleeping bag comes in a number of warmth ratings (togs) to choose from so you can pick the right one for the weather conditions.


Muslin Wrap

Muslin Wraps are so so versatile and while they are perfect for swaddling your baby they have so many other uses which are practical for camping. Use it as a breastfeeding cover, additional shade on your pram, burp cloth or as a light blanket.

Baby Carrier

Prams are often not practical when you are camping, that is why I like a baby sling. They are great for exploring plus your bub loves being close to you. I have used two different types of baby carriers and I was happy with both of them.


BabyBjorn Carrier gave me confidence as it felt really secure plus it was easy to put on and take off without assistance. The straps are padded and can be adjusted easily which means it was effortless for my partner Dixie to share the carrying. I had the original BabyBjorn carrier which was perfect for when they were babies but they soon grew out of it. I recommend purchasing the BabyBjorn One Carrier instead as it can be used up until the age of 3.

Ergo Baby Carrier can be used from a newborn up to 3 years old. Perfect for when they are older and want to walk but end up getting too tied. Saves you having to carry them for miles without any assistance! After your toddler has had enough of walking you can strap them onto your back and continue your journey. Personally, I found the Ergo Baby a little bit tricky to put on but once you get the hang of it was fine, just takes a bit of practice.

 High Chair

At home we used a high chair from Ikea, it is easy enough to pull the legs off and take it away with us. The high chair is easy to wipe clean so it is perfect for camping. The only problem is it is a little bulky. Let’s face it after you have packed half the house with kids stuff there is not much room left for anything else.

I have since seen portable travel highchairs that fold down and are easy to pack. They are similar to a camp chair so they save lots of space and easy to transport. You can buy them here.

Head Lamp

If you need to feed or change nappies in the middle of the night it is so much easier with a headlamp.  Have your hands free so you can find what you need in the dark.

Solar Shower

Solar Shower

Kids can get pretty grotty crawling in the dirt and if you don’t have the facilities to wash a solar shower is great. Just be careful of the temperature as they can get pretty hot if you leave them in the sun for too long.

 Mosquito Repellent

Mosquito RepellerI had trouble finding an insect repellent that is safe for babies and toddlers. Plus I hate using chemicals on myself or my children. The Mosquitoes love my daughter and she always gets eaten alive. I tried the Ultasonic Mosquito Repellent and she woke up in the morning with no bites. It sends out an ultrasonic sound wave which causes discomfort for most mosquitoes. They instinctively move and stay away from where the Mosquito Repeller is working.

Mesh Cot

Mesh CotMy friends travelled around Australia with their two small children and they used a Mesh Cot inside their camper trailer. They raved about them as it stopped the children getting attacked by all them annoying Aussie bugs plus the little ones couldn’t escape!! Great if you have a child who constantly gets out of bed!

First Aid Kit

First Aid Kit

It goes without saying that you need a first aid kit as little ones are always getting bumps and scratches. This first aid kit is a great starter and it suites the whole family. With little ones, you will also need to pack medicines you normally use at home for them.

With the right equipment, your camping trip can be enjoyable. Relax and enjoy the great outdoors!

Do you use any of these products? Do you have tips?

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** Some of the links in this post are affiliated links. If you click to buy an item, I make a little commission but you don’t pay any extra. **

27 thoughts on “Camping Products for Babies and Toddlers

  1. That padded travel cot sheet is a brilliant idea! I always think the portacot must be sooo uncomfortable. Might have to invest in a couple of those. Another great camping invention is a groundsheet that somehow stays clean. I can’t remember how it works but it has two layers and the sand/dirt falls through to the bottom so the top surface stays relatively clean. Perfect for kids who aren’t yet walking


  2. I never even thought about taking a baby camping. Probably because I never went till I was well and truly an adult. Looks like some awesome gadgets there.


  3. I love how they have these products now for babies & kids. It makes it all so much more comfortable to get “out there.” Thanks for linking up #teamlovinlife


  4. Unlikely to ever go camping myself let alone with a baby but I’m intrigued by the padded sheet – brilliant! As well as the ultrasonic mosquito repellent. Off to investigate now.


  5. What fabulous products! Baby products just keep getting better and better. I particularly like the mesh cot idea (mozzies can be shocking when camping near water particularly) and the Grobag! Wonderful resource here for Mum’s of young babies who love to go camping! #TeamLovinLife


  6. There are lots of great products here for the littlelies. We always camped with a portacot when our kids were babies. Just because you have a baby it doesn’t mean you can’t go camping. 🙂 #TeamLovinLife


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