Taking Stock

There are a few of you who pop over regularly to see what is happening on my blog so I thought I would give you a chance to get to know me a little better. I am doing Taking Stock which originated from Pip who has a blog called Meet Me at Mikes.


Making :  Using up all my spare yarn to make a memory blanket for Master B.
Cooking : A sultana loaf that may have got a little burnt!
Drinking : Coffee, coffee and more coffee
Reading: Now I am a surfer Layne Beachley Beneath the Waves
Wanting: To move to the country
Looking:  Forward to our camping trip
Playing: Hide and seek with the kids
Deciding: What school to send JJ to
Wishing: We could hook up the camper trailer and travel around Australia tomorrow
Enjoying: The simple things in life
Waiting: For the kettle to boil
Liking: All the rain we have had
Wondering: If we will get rained out on our camping trip
Loving: Lazy days and no school runs during the holidays
Pondering: Investing in a business
Considering: Taking up yoga
Buying: Food, it seems I only spend my money on food shopping!
Watching: Seven year switch (don’t judge me!)
Hoping: I win a travel competition I entered
Marvelling: At how the hairdresser talking JJ into getting her hair cut
Cringing: At some of the people on Seven Year Switch
Needing: Sleep, these kids are robbing me of mine!
Questioning: If we can afford to go to Hawaii for my 40th
Smelling: Freshly cut grass
Wearing: My favourite necklace
Following: This blog called Katie Rebekah
Noticing: My baby boy is not really a baby any more
Knowing: I should be working through my to do list
Thinking: I don’t want to sew in all the ends of this memory blanket
Admiring: A friend who is going to do the half iron man
Sorting: Camping supplies
Getting: Excited for a girls night out!
Bookmarking: How to make a free poster from your Instagram Photos
Coveting: New clothes
Disliking: The children getting colds
Opening: A box with TRED (Total Recovery Extraction Devise 4WD)
Giggling: At a friends misadventures
Feeling: Tired
Snacking: On my sultana loaf!
Helping: My children plant vegetables
Hearing: Giggling children that soon turns into fighting children

Memory blanket

9 thoughts on “Taking Stock

  1. Great list! Obviously the kids mean the world to you. I have to agree, kids especially your own, bring great joy to your life. I have to also agree with Itching for Hitching, Hawaii is marvelous and I can’t wait to go back!!


      • So close but still so far away. I’ve only been there twice and both times to Maui. Both times if you can believe it, it was when one of our kids got married first a son and then a daughter. I’d really like to go back for the relaxation and stead of a wedding haha.😃


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