Camping with toddlers and babies

Tips on camping with babies

Prior to having kids we were camping next to a couple with a small baby and I remember saying I would never go camping with a baby. Oh how I was wrong!

Camping with little ones can be challenging but it is also a wonderful experience.

I have an excel spreadsheet with all the things we require when we go camping.  It looks more like a novel than a check list but here are a few of things I make sure I pack when we go camping with toddlers and babies.
Byron's 1st camping trip

Pram Organiser – When you are out exploring most of the time you don’t want to be lugging around a huge nappy bag that is why I use the Elktra Thermo Organiser to store all your essentials, like baby wipes, drink bottles, teething rings, purse and phone. What else is great about it is that you can strap it to your camp chair and have everything you need within reach.

Baby Sling – Some times when you are camping you can’t take your pram so a sling is great for exploring plus the bub loves being close to you.

Head lamp – If you need to feed or change nappies in the middle of the night it is so much easier with a head lamp so you an find what you need in the dark and use both your hands.

Padded Fitted Sheet for Portacot – My child does not sleep well in a portacot, lets face it they are like sleeping on a blank of wood! I thought about getting a mattresses but they should not be put into portacots due to SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). The Sleepovers padded fitted sheet fits completely over the base of the portacot and is anchored to the bottom. There may be other products out there but this was the only product I could find that was approved by the INPAA (Infant Nursery Products Accreditation and Approval).

Baby Sleeping Bag – It can get chilly at night time so a baby sleeping bag gives you piece of mind that your baby is nice and snug. These sleeping bags are wearable blankets with armholes and neck openings.

Stretcher Bed – I use a stretcher bed for my three year old, it gets her up off the ground and keeps her warm.

Mosquito Net – Those pesky mosquito’s can be an issue when you are camping so a net for the portacot and pram is a must. Most insect repellents are not suitable for young children so a mosquito net is your best bet.

Potty – Having a potty is handy as sometimes you can’t camp close to toilets and your toddler might not be able to make the long walk without having an accident!

Toys – There may be times when the weather is bad or you need to entertain your toddler while the baby sleeps so toys come in handy. I have a file with pouches full of colouring in books, pencils and crayons, this way everything is kept all together and easy to locate.

Baby Food – I like to have a stash of the baby food in pouches as a back up. Sometimes you are out exploring, the time gets away from you and before you know it you have a hungry baby who wants food now!!! These are handy as they are easy to carry and no chance of glass jars getting broken.

High Chair – If you have the luxury of space a high chair makes life easier but lets face it after you have packed half the house with kids stuff there is not much room left for anything else. Having a high chair just makes things a little easier but you can manage without it.

First Aid Kit – It goes without saying you need to pack a first aid kit for the little ones!

Solar Shower – Kids can get pretty grotty crawling in the dirt and if you don’t have the facilities to wash a solar shower is great. Just be careful of the temperature as they can get pretty hot if you leave them in the sun for too long.

Most of all just enjoy the experience and relax!

Camping at Sandy Cape
Camping at Sandy Cape

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17 thoughts on “Camping with toddlers and babies

  1. Even though our kids are teens now I thought this was such a great post for anyone who has littlies. I shared it on our Facebook page. Cheers Mel


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