Photo Essay: Our Love of Nature

Carnamah 020

Growing up in the country I loved the wide open spaces and strong community spirit. As a child I had freedom to roam, take risks and learn about life for myself.


Now I live in the city I feel life is always rushed, scheduled and too many people are caught up in their own lives. They don’t take time to notice their surrounds, smile and talk to passing strangers. I crave getting back to nature and to those wide open spaces.


My mood changes when I am surrounded by nature and I have a clear state of mind. I don’t even realise that I feel stressed yet I can feel my body relax the tightness around my chest and shoulders disappears.  I feel calmer, my mind clears, my body relaxes and I finally I feel like I can breathe.


My love of nature is now being passed down to my children.  With an overwhelming amount of evidence to show nature play has benefits for children such as improved cognitive function, increased creativity, improved interaction with adults, reduced attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms and reduced rates of aggression. I feel it is my duty to immerse them in nature.

Carnamah Wildflowers

Whenever I can I get my children into nature. We go on walks in search of wildflowers.

Jumping in puddles.JPG

They experience pure joy as they jump, splash or feel the mud between their toes.


They make a wish and blow a dandelion. Watch the seeds float in the wind with the hope that their dreams will come true.


Every path is an adventure. They are not afraid to venture off into the unknown.


The children use their imagination, the whole family uses their senses in natural surrounds and I notice a change, we are calm, content and bonded as a family.

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49 thoughts on “Photo Essay: Our Love of Nature

  1. Beautiful photos! My kids love to be outside – and the very best toy? A stick! I never knew how many different ways a stick could be used until I watched my kids play!


  2. Beautiful – I love the laptop amidst that cos the idea of balance is important. I find writing (blogging) as rejuvenating / nourishing as the outdoors quite often so can appreciate that as well.


  3. These photos are beautiful. I agree with the love for nature. I notice my daughter is much calmer and more content when we are outside. I try to take her out as much as possible. We were at the park at 7AM today and the beach at 6:30AM yesterday!


  4. This is so true! I wish I could just nature trek everyday as it is relaxing. Our nearest naturific playground here is the beach so we go there at least once a week. Happy new year! xx



  5. This is such a beautiful post and reminder of going outside..and looking up, around and about! I have been doing this much much more since moving to the coast and even my little back garden calls me each day to check what’s new. Thank you so much for the reminder of what IS important and linking up for #lifethisweek 1/52 Denyse


  6. Nature and children – a perfect blend of keeping them entertained plus educating them at the same time. I love getting back to nature too and find myself happiest if I’m walking the beach or trudging through some bush. Happy New Year #TeamLovinLife


  7. Anne, I love the way you’ve put this together and it’s so true. Seeing it illustrated really send the message home. Thank you x


  8. Only one word – beautiful – . Thank you for the great post, continue to develop your children conciousness. This is the right path.


  9. This is absolutely fantastic Anne and I love it!!
    I love the life that we lead with Scouts as it makes us do those things, encourages the boys to be outside and just “be”…so many benefits to outdoor play and education!!
    If every child could get to experience what you do with your children and what we do with ours by getting them involved in playing and learning by doing, the world would indeed be a much better place!!
    You deserved a high distinction for your photo essay, saying that I love it just do not do the justice that it deserves!!!!!


  10. Like you I was lucky to grow up in the countryside. After many years of city and town living I finally returned and my kids now enjoy it to. I agree it is so important to connect with nature. I feel though that even living in a rural area we can sometimes get so caught up with our busy lives that we fail to mske the connection. it’s not just something that happens to city dwellers.


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