Slideshow Night #1: Egpyt

Years ago I set of to backpack around the world on my own. I spent over two years travelling, working and had a blast.

All the photos I took were on film (showing my age). I used to post home photos in one package and then the negatives in another letter just in case one would go missing.

These photos now sit in a bookshelf gathering dust. I am going to scan some of these old photos and put on a special slide show night for you! Don’t you feel lucky?

Should the house burn down at least I will have some of my old travel photos to look at.


Ever since I did a project at school on Egypt I longed to travel there and see the ancient ruins for myself.

Pyramids and Sphinx

First stop of course was the pyramids and I was surprised at how close they are to Cairo. You can see the city in the back ground.

Climbing into the Pyramid you go down a very steep tunnel which leads into a small room where the mummy and treasures were kept. You don’t want to be claustrophobic going into the chamber.




Abu Simbel

Abu Simbel.jpg

Here we are in the heart of the desert and staring at these four statues which have been carved out of stone. It was breath taking you could just stand there and look at it for ages. One of the statues is damaged but the rest are intact.

The statues are of Ramses II and inside the temple there are several rooms with more statues and carvings on the wall.

I have to confess that the flight to Abu Simbel was not enjoyable. When the plane landed we were flung forward, the plane was going sideways down the run way and the lights were flashing on and off. I remember thinking that maybe my time was up!

The Nile


I thought I would never swim in the Nile as I have heard it is so dirty. Yet here I am swimming in the Nile!

Spent a relaxing night on a Felucca, a traditional sailboat of Egypt. A group of us slept next to each other on a mattress and I remember having the best nights sleep. It must have been from listening to the water lapping against the boat.

Valley of the Kings

Rode our donkeys for 7 kilometers out to the Valley of the Kings. From the outside there is not much to look at. Long decorated corridors are carved out which leads to the burial chambers. As they are deep under ground the colour has been well preserved. You are unable to take photos inside the Valley Kings.

***Linking up with #Monday Escapes and #theweeklypostcard ***

Travel Monkey
Travel Notes & Beyond

34 thoughts on “Slideshow Night #1: Egpyt

  1. Awesome. What some memories you must have uncovered as you did this! I was the same back in the day. Didn’t take many pics because films were expensive, and then they were so expensive to develop. Also sent negatives home in separate packages and waited with apprehension for confirmation! (Do you remember Poste Restante?) I wish there had been digital (and blogging) when we were travelling with our children!


    • It has been great going over old photos and it is surprising how much you forget! Can’t say I remember Poste Restante but I am with you I wish the digital world was around when I did most of my travelling!


  2. What an adventure. I’m really craving an escape myself right now. Just found out I need to pack the house up and move at short notice. Wishing I was packing for something else.


  3. I have wanted to go to Egypt for so long, and I think the wait will be even longer as we just can’t right now. So I’m always happy when posts about Egypt come along. I think the photo of the 4 statues at Abu Simbel is my favorite. Thanks for sharing! #TheWeeklyPostcard


  4. Well, your photo of Abu Simbal had me dreaming of going there until I read your account of the flight. Yikes! I’d love to visit Egypt and its antiquities some day. I’ve been going through my old film photo albums. I didn’t take nearly as many photos as I do now. Taking 36 in one day was a big deal for me back then.


    • When we had film you just tended to take one or two photos. Now with the digital camera we don’t spot taking photos!! Our children are going to have a photo every day of their lives!!


  5. This is soo cool, I have also linked up my post about my day trip to Luxor, where I also visited the Valley of the Kings. I want to visit Cairo next time 😀
    As you, I always wanted to visit Egypt after studying it at school 😀

    Thank you for linking up with #MondayEscapes 🙂


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