Liebster Award

I have been nominated for the Liebster Award by Melanie from Mafambani and she is travelling around the world as a flashpacker. She has a passion for cool cafés, cappucino, books, languages and yoga.

This award exists only on the internet, and is given to bloggers by other bloggers. It is a way to be discovered but also to connect and support the blogging community.

Liebster Award

1. If you could earn money with anything, what would it be?

I would love to be a photographer and travel the world taking pictures. The only problem is I am not very good at it but I can only improve!

2. When you travel, what do you buy to treat yourself?

I love to buy something that reminds me of the country I have been to. Like in Egypt I bought Papyrus with beautiful bright images of Pharaohs on it.

3. What does a perfect travel day look like for you?

A morning going out and about, seeing the sites then spending the afternoon relaxing by the pool or at the beach. Preferably with a cocktail in hand!

4. Postcard or e-mail?

I love a good old fashioned postcard and I love getting letters in the mail. It is so much more exciting than an email.

5. What do you miss most when you’re on the road? 

Vegemite, I love the stuff and I usually pack some when I go away!

6. What does your perfect Sunday morning look like and where would you spend it? 

Spending the day at the beach with the whole family, I am becoming quiet good at building sandcastles!

7. Breakfast or brunch and why? 

I need a big breakfast to start the day so I have the energy to get out and about. Plus I have a caffeine addiction so I need my morning coffee.

8. What do you read before you go to bed? 

With two little kids I am usually asleep before my head hits the pillow, the little ones wear me out!

9. What’s your funniest story from your travels?

Getting interrogated for hours in Asia as they thought my passport was fake. My passport had gotten a bit wet in the past, it was old and didn’t have a chip in it. It wasn’t funny at the time as I didn’t know what would happen to me but it all worked out in the end.

10. We should never stop learning. What’s the next thing you want to learn?

I want to learn Spanish so I can travel South America.

11. What’s the craziest thing you want to do on your bucket list? 

I have already ticked off sky diving so I think the next thing I want to do is a hot air balloon ride. I am usually up at the crack of dawn so I will be ready to soar over the changing landscape at sunrise.


Create a blog post on your site answering the questions that I have provided below. In your post, be sure to link back to the blog who nominated you (in this case, Anne at Let Me Be Free) with a thank you and shout out. After answering the questions I gave, provide questions for your nominees. Now, usually you should select, list and link 11 other bloggers with under 200 followers and give them the instructions below. I’m going to cheat a bit, I have set 11 questions and any lovely bloggers who read this and wish to take part please do!

My Questions

  1. What did you want to be when you grow up?
  2. Favorite holiday destination?
  3. If you could live in another country where would it be and why?
  4. What is on your bedside table?
  5. Do you collect anything?
  6. Best book you have read?
  7. Holiday in a resort or caravan?
  8. If you won lotto what would be your first purchase?
  9. What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
  10. If four words how would your friends describe you?
  11. Do you prefer the city or country?

4 thoughts on “Liebster Award

  1. Great job Anne! Oh my god, can’t even imagine what I would be like if the airport staff would come up that my passport would be fake… that’s such a random thing! So many things are funny a few weeks later or months later…I feel the same. Hot air balloon in Turkey would be something I would really enjoy as well.


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